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  1. HeartWarrior

    Sailor Moon Cosmos announced for Summer 2023 [SPOILERS ALERT]

    Was Galaxia's scene of her potentially getting raped?? She was being strangled though. It was hard to tell. I wish we got a scene with the Seiya/Sailor Starlights & Usagi at the end. Would have been nice to see, like in Sailor Stars.
  2. HeartWarrior

    What happened to Naoko Takeuchi's idea of creating a new Senshi?

    I took it as she would want to create a whole new magical series of a new Senshi. I could be completely wrong but that's how I interpreted as over on my end to be honest. I definitely want to read that quote again. Someone did mention that it could have been a mistranslation. However, I think...
  3. HeartWarrior

    What happened to Naoko Takeuchi's idea of creating a new Senshi?

    She had mentioned this in the recent Vogue interview I believe it was. Any update on that by any chance? She had idea/ideas on a new Senshi. Assuming it being for creating a whole new series. I haven't heard much since then to be honest. Would be nice if we got a new anime series being from one...
  4. HeartWarrior

    Sailor Moon Cosmos announced for Summer 2023 [SPOILERS ALERT]

    I think the manga has its shortcomings... where as the 90s Anime had improved on certain things overall in general. Such as Rei's personality/relationship with Usagi & comedic fighting. Starlights and Seiya's storyline, not just killing them off and giving them a proper ending. Overall fleshing...
  5. HeartWarrior

    Sailor Moon Cosmos announced for Summer 2023 [SPOILERS ALERT]

    I prefer the original ending of Sailor Stars to be honest. I completely dislike the lack of closure of the Sailor Starlights. They should have had a conclusive ending as should have had in the manga. At least they showed Luna in the endind, so it comes full-circle somehow. The wedding scene I...
  6. HeartWarrior

    Naoko Takeuchi's Recent Artwork

    If it wasn't for Sailor Moon, I wouldn't have ever been an anime fan I think or would have known about the magical girl genre that I love so much. :usagi:::love::
  7. HeartWarrior

    Naoko Takeuchi's Recent Artwork

    A global phenomenon was created by her of a magical girl franchise that deserved way more than was given by Toei honestly (Reboot anyways).
  8. HeartWarrior

    Sailor Moon Cosmos announced for Summer 2023 [SPOILERS ALERT]

    Well, everyone was upset with the series ending I'm sure. However, I thought it was originally her choice to end the series. I'm happy to hear that she would've continued though if the opportunity was given to her (during that time obviously). She doesn't have that same drive now to even create...
  9. HeartWarrior

    Sailor Moon Cosmos announced for Summer 2023 [SPOILERS ALERT]

    Personally, I believe Stars was one of the stronger Seasons. With SuperS, being a downgrade after the S season. It was overall a great season. I think Naoko's supposed disappointment is still speculation & hearsay to this day honestly. We hadn't heard that from her mouth herself.
  10. HeartWarrior

    Sailor Moon Cosmos announced for Summer 2023 [SPOILERS ALERT]

    This is why I miss 90s anime besides just the style & artwork. I don't care for 1-on-1 adaptations from manga to anime. It's no fun for me to watch. Nor very much of creativity either.
  11. HeartWarrior

    Sailor Moon Cosmos announced for Summer 2023 [SPOILERS ALERT]

    Not like it's not true to be very honest!
  12. HeartWarrior

    Sailor Moon Cosmos movies on Netflix (finally)

    Too bad I've seen this movie like 3x already but it'll be with hopefully more accurate subtitles.
  13. HeartWarrior

    Sailor Moon Cosmos announced for Summer 2023 [SPOILERS ALERT]

    Seriously ABOUT TIME! After people stop caring, of course. Sadly, they waited way too long for this release. The buzz for these films are completely gone.
  14. HeartWarrior

    Sailor Moon Cosmos announced for Summer 2023 [SPOILERS ALERT]

    Really? Do you have any sources?
  15. HeartWarrior

    What's the future for Sailor Moon now?

    That would be an interesting show to watch for sure. I would have loved to see that in anime form as well.
  16. HeartWarrior

    Sailor Moon Cosmos announced for Summer 2023 [SPOILERS ALERT]

    I wish we got see a follow-up scene to the Sailor Starlights in the end. As well does Sailor Galaxia just die or does become reborn as the rest as well? I would've preferred if Sailor Moon just took her out instead honestly.
  17. HeartWarrior

    What's the future for Sailor Moon now?

    I'm still hoping we get another reboot soon in the future, more of a mix of 90s & manga as previously mentioned. I really love this series but it was treated so poorly though through its' run, between character designs changes, inconsistency just all around, poor storyline board directing, it...
  18. HeartWarrior

    Sailor Moon Cosmos announced for Summer 2023 [SPOILERS ALERT]

    This reboot has been such a disaster in the way its been handled. Unfortunately, most reboots are never as superior to its original content I feel. I feel it has lost that certain "magic" that the original series has had. I do prefer Rei's personality more from the original anime, even if it did...
  19. HeartWarrior

    What's the future for Sailor Moon now?

    I really do hope we get another reboot of this series. I would like a mix of the 90s anime & manga honestly.
  20. HeartWarrior

    Sailormoon References/Cameos/etc.

    Liked the video & shows how hard localization of anime were at those time even from the 90s up to the early 2000s honestly. Granted it's easier now. However, even with situation of Cosmos, it almost feels regressed with Sailor Moon in a sense. It reminds me how I love the 90s Japanese voices of...