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  1. Nadia

    What are your “forbidden” opinions about the story, characters, franchise, etc. that would get your Sailor Moon fan card revoked?

    Not to play a game of one-upmanship, but do you know of a place where it's a common opinion that Sailor Moon is better fully Westernized? Because all the people I know who held it got chased away and I'd definitely go there if I found others who shared it.
  2. Nadia

    What are your “forbidden” opinions about the story, characters, franchise, etc. that would get your Sailor Moon fan card revoked?

    My forbidden opinions have already gotten my fan card revoked, for fans to bully and shun me to the point where I'm no longer into Sailor Moon. If you do a deep dive into my past posts, it's all there. For those who don't want to do the deep dive, here is my bombshell: I believe that not only...
  3. Nadia

    What if Galaxia star seed would had been Usagi instead of Chibi Chibi in the 90 anime?

    Things like Eternal Sailor Moon being able to heal Phages, for instance. By that point in the series, the Silver Crystal is completely obsolete and not even a factor. It stands to reason something else is giving our heroine this power beyond her pure heart.
  4. Nadia

    What if Sailor Moon were made in the 1980s?

    If the Sailor Moon anime were made in the 80s, it would have never become an international hit. While there are legendary 80s anime that did break out, and a lot of 80s anime movies that are classics, 80s female-oriented anime...didn't generally become all that well known. One big reason why...
  5. Nadia

    What if Galaxia star seed would had been Usagi instead of Chibi Chibi in the 90 anime?

    Interesting...this would provide some cover for how Sailor Moon is able to heal more impurities once the Silver Crystal loses prominence. Would the starseed have been reincarnated as Usagi as in at birth/conception/whatever, or would it have been reincarnated as Princess Serenity and that's how...
  6. Nadia

    Do you think Rei and Mamoru would make a good couple?

    I think their 90's anime selves would make a good couple and a better couple than Usagi and Mamoru.
  7. Nadia

    How did you find this forum + why did you join?

    How did I find this forum? Believe it or not, I probably found it through the prettyguardiansailormoon URL it used to have. Why did I join? Because at the time, it seemed like there was a detente between fans of the old dub and fans of the original version and a lot of fans started to accept...
  8. Nadia

    Sailor Moon: This or That

    May I third Ail here? Compared to the other two for most of his runtime he has unrequited feelings but isn't creepily crazy the way the other two can get (and, yes, I know Fiore was under the influence of the blossom, but still...). It's only at the end he went of the deep end (and it was wise...
  9. Nadia

    OMG! Did Future Gohan just ripoff Black Lady!!

    No, you're confusing Future Warrior in Black with Majin Goten who does kind of resemble Black Lady.
  10. Nadia

    Esmeraude or Kaolinite

    For the 90's anime, I'm in the minority and I'd say I prefer Green Esmeraude. I don't like either character and both characters can be irksome in different ways. What makes Esmeraude slightly less annoying, though, is that her jealousy drives conflict and even works against the goals of her...
  11. Nadia

    What is the best AI generated stuff you´ve seen RE Sailor Moon?

    That art, as flawed as it is, makes more sense sequentially than some of Takeuchi's pages.
  12. Nadia

    Best male/female singer/dancer among main characters?

    Dancing definitely requires strength, but it requires more than that. It requires flexibility and a sense of internal timing and rhythm. Having stamina and being able to pose mean nothing if you can't do it to the beat. Makoto is good at slow-dancing and skating, but I don't think she would be...
  13. Nadia

    What is the best AI generated stuff you´ve seen RE Sailor Moon?

    I have mixed opinions of AI graphic art and Sailor Moon. On one hand, I have seen some breathtakingly beautiful semi-realistic images generated. On the other hand, none of it looks like a faithful recreation or even an enhancement of the Sailor Moon anime. I'd be more interested in AI if it...
  14. Nadia

    What is your experience writing fanfiction?

    My experience in writing fanfiction is....weird. As s a child, I read tie-in novels to franchises. I was especially intrigued by things like Q-In-Law which explored a plot I had long wished to see in Star Trek: The Next Generation and did not understand why it was never made into an episode (I...
  15. Nadia

    If Maker was a man???

    "Star 7 Ballz" and "Star Raging Boner" are the first things that come to my mind. "Star Sex Pistol" follows shortly afterward. However, if we have to keep it something with plausible deniability..."Star Shooting Seed."
  16. Nadia

    If you could add scenes to Sailor Moon, what would they be?

    I just wish Sailor Saturn had gotten a full transformation sequence in the old anime. Stock footage for her attacks would have been awesome, too.
  17. Nadia

    Nehelenia is not Queen Serenity's sister... but should she be?

    I would have liked for them to be sisters.
  18. Nadia

    What is the worst fridge horror to you about SM?

    That's definitely the intended meaning, and Ryo's worry does seem overblown from an audience perspective because at this point, many viewers have not seen not one but two successful healings of this specific group. However, the Fridge Horror comes to mind when you think of other reasons why he...
  19. Nadia

    Sailor Moon Consistently On Top 10 Highest Grossing Anime Franchises

    The thing is Toei owns Pre Cure outright, but PNP owns Sailor Moon, so it's in Toei's interest to deprioritize Sailor Moon since you can still get the reliable dollars from the existing crowd.
  20. Nadia

    Attack Descriptions

    So you mean the old dub didn't pull that figure from the ether but might have have worked in this tidbit into the narrative?