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  1. FloraKiraraHime

    Say nice things about Naoko Takeuchi and SM Crysternos

    It is cute when she draws herself as a rabbit.
  2. FloraKiraraHime

    Happy birthday.

    Happy birthday.
  3. FloraKiraraHime

    StarS failed the Inner Senshi

    Yes, the guardian deities were shafted in Super. It's such a shame no one brings it up.
  4. FloraKiraraHime

    Happy belated birthday!

    Happy belated birthday!
  5. FloraKiraraHime

    Say nice things about Naoko Takeuchi and SM Crysternos

    I love this design for Usagi's father.
  6. FloraKiraraHime

    Where I can watch Pretty Guardian Sailor Moon Live Action?

    @sailor Yaoi 81 You'll love the live action Sailor Moon!
  7. FloraKiraraHime

    Happy birthday, Europa.

    Happy birthday, Europa.
  8. FloraKiraraHime

    Happy birthday!

    Happy birthday!
  9. FloraKiraraHime

    Why You'll Love Live-Action Sailor Moon

    Fate: The Winx Saga? I didn't watch it because they ruined what made the source material great, such as the friendship between Bloom and Stella. Stella was the first fairy Bloom befriends, it did not make sense that Fate had them competing for a guy's affection.
  10. FloraKiraraHime

    Happy birthday.

    Happy birthday.
  11. FloraKiraraHime

    Happy birthday.

    Happy birthday.
  12. FloraKiraraHime

    Usagis relationship with each senshi

    I need to re-watch Crystal for that Beryl necklace scene.
  13. FloraKiraraHime

    Sailor Moon Cosmos Part 2 (Jawshx Review) [SPOILERS]

    I like both blonde and silver/white on Princess Serenity.
  14. FloraKiraraHime

    [US] Sailor Moon returns to TV

    I love Ronin Warriors/Samurai Troopers. It's an underappreciated classic.
  15. FloraKiraraHime

    Toru Furaya (Mamoru 90’s) in court

    Oh, yikes! This is truly outrageous and horrible.
  16. FloraKiraraHime

    Random things in the show to point out for the sake of it

    I like the longer hair and lipstick as well.
  17. FloraKiraraHime

    Naoko Takeuchi Da Vinci Magazine interview (February 2021)

    I, too, am a perfectionist. It's the reason why stories I want to write. One example is a fan fiction.
  18. FloraKiraraHime

    Why You'll Love Live-Action Sailor Moon

    I love the live action Sailor Moon so much, it's my favorite version.
  19. FloraKiraraHime

    Thank you so much!

    Thank you so much!