Civilians vs weak youma in PGSM

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Aug 6, 2018
In the PGSM live action series, the hooded youma from Metalia that appeared later on seemed to be rather weak at least initially, with no known special powers or abilities, although there were alot of them. It actually looked as though normal civilians on the street could easily take them down without help from the Sailor Senshi. I think that this already amazing show could have even more spice added to it by having at least some scenes that showed people on the street fighting against and knocking the living dark lights out of some of the weak hooded youma :thumbsup:. That would certainly have been fabulous instead of the usual helpless civilians running away and needing protection from the Sailor Scouts. The next scene could then show the angry shitennou arriving with more powerful youma and attacking the people who dared to fight. Only then would the Sailor Senshi intervene to save the day :smug: . If only the producers thought of this great idea :-P. What do you think ?
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Staff member
Site Admin
May 7, 2009
Maybe not having ordinary people on the street taking those weaker Youma down, but some policemen shooting them down? lol
Aug 6, 2018
^ Ordinary civilians taking down weak youma will be more interesting and certainly far less common, and will shatter the annoying widespread image of helpless ordinary folk always running from enemies and needing protection.


Aurorae Lunares
Dec 20, 2011
New York
But I guess what I’m wondering is, why even bother having the Sailor Senshi in that case? If I’m watching PGSM, I wanna watch the Senshi, not random civilians. Especially not people who can’t transform. I like henshin heroes like Sailor Moon and Kamen Rider specifically because they eventually transform.

It might be interesting in a different show, but I don’t think it would work in Sailor Moon.
Aug 6, 2018
^ What I meant was that perhaps just a couple of short scenes could be shown of civilians beating and subduing some weaker hooded youma, until more powerful youma or the shitennou arrive, and the Sailor Senshi then show up to save the day. The Senshi will of course still do the bulk of the fighting, just like in a real war in which the military will still be the main force fighting the enemy and defending the country.

Having just a few short scenes of normal random people taking down weak youma will certainly surprise the audience and turn the tables on the image of helpless desparate civilians that is common in henshin shows like Kamen Rider and Sailor Moon. That's the point :thumbsup:.
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Aurorae Lunares
Dec 20, 2011
New York
Eh...I personally wouldn’t be into it because I’m not invested in random civilian characters. I’m invested in the main characters. So I have zero interest in seeing civilians fight in every episode. In a show that’s only 23 minutes long including an opening sequence, I wouldn’t want to sacrifice the fights I want to see for something like that.

That’s just me though, I respect your opinion even if I don’t get it. I wonder what other forum members think??


Staff member
Site Admin
May 7, 2009
Maybe the Senshi could get some help from civilians during certain critical moments in their fights w/ Youma? :)
Aug 6, 2018
^^Hey John, you did not get the point :roll:. I mentioned that maybe only a couple of short scenes of civilians fighting the weak hooded youma could be shown in just one or two of the episodes later on when Metalia's youma appeared, and not in every episode as you thought.

The civilians can then be saved by the Sailor Senshi when stronger enemies such as the shitennou arrive. I'm sure the Senshi will be pleasantly surprised if they saw some civilians fighting back, and not simply being helpless all the time.


Aurorae Lunares
Dec 20, 2011
New York
But if it’s only a couple short scenes, would that really make a difference at all then? What would be the purpose unless it’s a recurring side character like Motoki? I could understand that, but nothing about a random person really engages me, especially if it’s just once or twice. If it’s a random civilian once or twice, I don’t think it will have the effect you think it will — unless it’s a big invasion scene like the end of Power Rangers in Space.

I think I’ve said everything I could possibly say about this topic lol. It does not seem interesting to me. I don’t think it’s a bad idea — I just dont think such a scene would improve PGSM or do much to truly affect the show at all. It would be such a small thing, it wouldn’t matter either way.


Systema Solare
Jul 22, 2009
I don't think there is anything wrong with say non Senshi vigilantes fighting Youma. I mean Katarina helped Sailor V fight her enemies in London. This isn't canon but in the Destiny Revival game Katarina was the second playable character
Aug 6, 2018
^^Whether it makes a difference to the story or not is not the point. The point is simply to spice up the show a bit by just showing some usually helpless civilians who could be unnamed extras beating the crap out of some weak youma. The civilians need not be vigilantes, they could be just some random unnamed extras like those random people always shown running from the monsters. This is simply to add some extra spice to the show and also to shatter the image of the usually helpless random civilian in this sort of show.

lord Martiya

Aurorae Lunares
Dec 11, 2015
PGSM actually gave us a scene of civilians fighting weak youma, the Pierrot from the Special Act versus Minako's bodyguards. The Pierrots were winning before Minako punted one into concrete...


Systema Solare
Jul 22, 2009
I mean it could so happen that maybe the Sailor Moon universe has someone like say Batman in DC comics a non Senshi vigilante who may not have magical abilities but can fight well or has technology on their side. This does have precedent with Katarina who helped Sailor V fight Youma of the Dark Kingdom.


Staff member
Site Admin
May 7, 2009
I mean it could so happen that maybe the Sailor Moon universe has someone like say Batman in DC comics a non Senshi vigilante who may not have magical abilities but can fight well or has technology on their side.
I wonder what if Batman were featured in Sailor Moon as a crossover. :D


Systema Solare
Jul 22, 2009
I wonder what if Batman were featured in Sailor Moon as a crossover. :D
I have seen some people who cross over DC with Sailor Moon. It isn't a crossover I like but it is somewhat popular to cross over Wonder Woman with Sailor Moon which probably isn't surprising as Sailor Moon seems very much inspired by Wonder Woman. I did read a hentai fic which paired up Batman with Sailor Pluto romantically. Not one I would approve of as I ship Batman/Catwoman.

lord Martiya

Aurorae Lunares
Dec 11, 2015
I mean it could so happen that maybe the Sailor Moon universe has someone like say Batman in DC comics a non Senshi vigilante who may not have magical abilities but can fight well or has technology on their side. This does have precedent with Katarina who helped Sailor V fight Youma of the Dark Kingdom.
By doing investigative work, because shooting a youma with a gun is little different from shooting Superman. The manga and Crystal actually had the then-powerless Mamoru get in a fight with Zoisite-and he was swatted away with ease.

Remember, Batman can fight Superman only as long as Supes hold back, and their legendary battle in The Dark Knight Returns shows it well: Superman was weakened by having a giant nuke go off in his face just a few days earlier and the relative nuclear winter (no sunlight to recharge) and was holding back because he wanted to bring Batman in alive, Batman was there in an incredibly powerful power armor, had rigged the field to his advantage and hit him with four anti-ship missiles, two cannon shells powerful enough to sink a battleship, a sonic weapon (bypassing Superman's invulnerability and giving him a devastating headache and balance troubles) and all of Gotham's electricity before the first punch was even thrown, and most of the fight consisted in Batman throwing everything he had to Superman, failing to hurt him, and being swatted away again and again, before Superman decided to slightly escalate and just started swatting Batman around while begging him to surrender before he killed him. "What are you doing?! Do you want me to kill you?!" was shouted right before the kryptonite was sprayed into Superman's eyes-and not only Batman had trouble holding his own until that moment, it's implied Superman threw the fight because he had realized Batman was about to fake his death.

And the Sailor Senshi can beat Superman up.


Staff member
Site Admin
May 7, 2009
I have seen some people who cross over DC with Sailor Moon. It isn't a crossover I like but it is somewhat popular to cross over Wonder Woman with Sailor Moon which probably isn't surprising as Sailor Moon seems very much inspired by Wonder Woman.
I think Venus & Wonder Woman, both posing in their sword-wielding versions, would look good together. :cool: