Post cool fanart other than your own

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Apr 1, 2017
Saphir spanking Wiseman (SFW but suggestive, and therefore spoilered):
Spoiler: show

The only source for that I found was:
Pixiv ID:
Member: じじ山

...but it doesn't seem to be up anymore.

While looking for that image, I also found this one of Saphir/Demande by honami_vvvv:
And this other one I was thinking of (...hopefully this isn't a repost? If so I apologize) by Valery Ash (who has a ton of awesome 90s anime-style SM fanart):

Onuzim Ima

Aurorae Lunares
Aug 11, 2010
OMG I'll die from Laughter :lol: … Seiya & :haruka: are in each other's hair, Yaten & :mihiru: act snobby and refuse to work together, and Taiki & :setsuna: can only give them all the Double Picard Facepalm. ^_^

It's a shame we don't have any Starlights Smilies yet! :umno:

P. S.: I also like that :usagi: with the Princess Leia Bun Hairstyle. And :ami: & Thetis stereo-choking 'poor' Jadeite is just hilarious! :keke:
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Likes: Mitsukara
Apr 1, 2017
Got another Saphir here, from the same artist as the Wiseman-spanking one (じじ山) who's pixiv sadly no longer exists:

Also, since I forget how much I've talked about how awesome Valery ASH's stuff is before (the artist who did the double-facepalm above), so here's some more examples. My apologies if this is too many images at once (I'll put them in a spoiler block to be on the safe side), but this isn't even all of them, they have so many good ones:
Spoiler: show

...did I mention this artist also does crack ships? (And they aren't rigid to any one pairing, either, they have art of multiple possibilities for the same characters; sen-shi, etc.)

And then there's the ones where I'm not even 100% sure what's going on but I'm fascinated, like a piece out of some awesome-looking fanfiction:

So much good stuff by Valery ASH. I absolutely recommend scouring their animepv VK site for more! Although the site is unfortunately a bit tough to navigate (and in russian/cyrillic, I think?)- it basically amounts to scrolling through a history of facebook posts. If there's an easier-to-view gallery of their work, I'd love to hear about it.

Also here's a couple unrelated pictures by a different artist, watermarked CatWithAPie (I think their tumblr is gone? I couldn't find the source at all, unfortunately, and I did check reverse image searches), but they're awesome too: