We are coming to the end of Crystal s1-2 !
Act 25
Act 26
Act 25
- Let’s address one question: I’m sorry but lot of pretty hear flowing =/= good animation quality. Nonetheless there are indeed some nice shots in this episode, I won’t deny it.
- Queen Serenity is prettier in this shot than she will eve be, including in Eternal

- PLUTO IS MOE !! (weirdly people scream about the supposedly moe art style for s3 but don't see any problem with that kind or screenshot for s2 hehe)

- IS IT YOU, LELOUCH from Code Geass ???

- Usagi is more crying for Pluto than she did for the inners in season 1, and she only saw her for like… 3 times.
- Always liked this shot, it’s off model but I could have lived with that design

- Chibiusa’s silhouette in that tear / crystal is really pretty. But why did they pour so much time / budget in such a short sequence while the rest of the season is such a mess ? Questionable usage of their ressources...
- There is more budget in that Chibi Moon henshin than in the whole season. I'm unsure that it was a good idea to keep that weird end pose by the way
- So Chibi Moon talks to Pluto while she just killed her some seconds ago ? She kinda forgot she killed her some seconds ago ? Selective memory I guess
- Now Princess Halation works, against Wiseman, while it didn’t when they first came to the future. No explanation ?
- Inners using their attack against Wiseman. People always praise S1-2 with their « real time attacks », but not only they weren’t that many seen, and the few we got were not really pretty
- Diamand being toasted by Wiseman, not too far from the 90’s version with Saphir
- Overusing textures in order to hide poor quality art, they tell you to avoid that at all cost in every first day of CGI class.

Act 26
- I like Takahashi in S3 but he really did poorly on this episode.
- They never really got right Crystal Tokyo atmosphere, there is no coherence in lights, luminosity is all weird everywhere
- Why does NQS recognize Chibi Moon as her daughter ? Pluto didn’t recognize Moon when they traveled past while she is the former past of her Queen…
- « You tried to steal my man, here is your reward bitch have a good sleep »

- By the way NQS gives a time key to Chibiusa to travel to Nemesis, how did she get it ? Did she just steal it from Pluto dead body ? This is savage
- And anyway Nemesis isn’t lost in time but just very far from the Earth so why would they need a time key ?? And Chibi Moon doesn’t seem to use it since she is somewhat summoned by Moon and tux kissing ? No sense at all…
- This « in the name of the moon… » sequence by Chibi Moon is one of the worst sequence I’ve ever seen in this reboot. How... Why...
- NQS gives new planetary power… It's weird that Naoko didn’t design new wands for inner from this season. She could just let Bandai design things and include them in her manga, unless they already knew inners wouldn't upgrade to Planet Power in the next season ?
- So NQS can’t meet her former self… but well anyway she does. I’m not saying I don’t like this scene but Naoko is strong at breaking rules she established like 2 pages before (see Pluto’s taboo)
- Supposedly this episode was corrected by Sakou but I don’t recognize her style anywhere
- Anyway it’s arc 2 ’s end. Animation wise, it was a bit better than the first season, Takahashi doing some episodes surely helped because even if his style is bland, at least it doesn’t change mid episode. Some pretty shots by Iwata here and there but they are so much different than the rest of the series to the point they seem from another series.
- Story wise, it was more entertaining than the first arc (I can’t stand anymore DK arc honestly). But the whole time travel concept was probably too much ambitious and would create some weird situations later. It’s not something that Takeuchi should have touched until she would progress as a writer because it takes some planning to create something coherent and she was lacking time for her story, being forced with this 1 year / 1 arc system.
- I’m going to review S3 now, indeed it’s my favorite arc and it somewhat saved this reboot for me so it’s going to be hard to be unbiased but I will try my best.
- Let’s finally talk a bit about the Japanese BRD sets since it gave me a chance to look at booklets and covers after so many years. I dislike most of the covers since it seems that Sakou completely dropped the ball from almost the beginning (the Mars one, really...), but I still enjoy this last volume cover (mainly the 4 inners, MoonS are weird).
- It’s a shame that the anime is so cheap because the whole BRD packaging was pretty, I liked the boxes and all the charms in each box are quite cute. Supposedly vol 1 and 13 were music boxes when they were released but mine don’t work anymore. There are for vol 1 and 13 booklets with storyboard for the opening and all henshin, it’s fun to see that the series title wasn’t yet fixed since the handwriting talks about « shin sailor moon ». Talking about the booklets, I don’t know if interviews were translated in the various international releases ?