For sexually charged: For the most part I just remember some jokes. Like Jun Jun implying S*x at the end of a preview, the breast thing w/ one of the Lemures, The Horse C***k comment Minako made [
I've only seen Viz SuperS so I only heard this happened],Minako wanting lots of kids w/ the preschool teacher, Minako's dream mirror look in [
specifically Minako's] Michiru's comment to Haruka in the
SuperS movie. There were likely many others.
[*]There were likely some others and for the most part I only remember the elephant joke in
[*]and for
Stars I remember
totally wanting to
f**k Mamoru early in Stars, Usagi thinking Seiya wanted to
f**k in the date episode, plus the cast thinking they both
f***ked in the Home alone episode. I think there's also that one "save it for the bedroom" comment Haruka made to Michiru when she was hanging off of that rail.
For risqué: I think of risqué as it could get the show canceled, I think that entirely depends on how you look at it. The Amazon Quartet's outfits made me uncomfortable [
weirdly enough Eternal had this jiggle physics moment with one of them ........ so that happened 
] But I can see it not bothering plenty of others. The
body swap episode didn't bother me at all [
even the kiss] but I have seen others bothered by it. The Amazon trio's dream extractions........ I dunno
