Watching Crystal for the first time

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Sep 19, 2022
*Takes a sip* (Another Anime Subtitle referencing DAT famous Star Wars Quote) ::toast:

@YuYu Yuichiro Could you be so kind and add where it came from? Just to be on the safe side. It's also not really hard to put these Paragraphs into actual Quote Tags. Like ;)
The first few paragraphs: Sailor Moon Newbie Reviews: Episodes 166 (SuperS Finale) – The Josei Next Door

The TL;DR one: Life, The Mooniverse, and Everything: The Sailor Moon Newbie Retrospective – The Josei Next Door

The "Star Wars quote" episode: Episode 58
Sep 19, 2022
[More on SuperS]
  • Did anyone else think Helio's horn stabbed Chibiusa when Nehelenia blew him away.
  • From what I've seen plenty of people seem on board with Helios being the male guardian of the sun. That person I keep quoting brought up how Nehelenia seemingly has an allergic reaction to SPECIFICALLY his starring like the sun.
  • I forgot to point out that Jun Jun even helped Kyusuke BEFORE she knew he was her target.
  • I don't think I mentioned this but I think the season's very pretty.
  • Spoiler: show
    [*]Even in times when there aren't lots of movement, I'm happy with it being well choreographed. [imo]
  • I like the specials. The vampire one had this spooky atmosphere I liked. The last part had this ominous feeling about it. I like placing this episode before the Amazon Trio's last 2 episodes because of that creepy stare she gives them like she's gonna replace them soon.
  • Ami's first love was also a thorough delight. But I do wonder who gave Ami that first love letter. [probably some random person honestly]
  • The ending is my second favorite. It's the one I watch the most. On the third watch since I was immensely satisfied with Its ending [Though that sequence of having all those children shout "Moon Crisis Power" will always weird me out] without needing the Stars Nehelenia arc, I was happy the season was able to win me over on its own.
Sep 19, 2022
  • Extra [To many pictures to add to last post]
  • For some reason whenever I see this sequence this always happens in my head
  • Spoiler: show
    "I envy you, to have such beautiful dreams."
    " *gasp* That girl was you?!"
    "Of course it was me you stupid Bi-"
  • Tsundereshipper
  • Spoiler: show
    For sexually charged: For the most part I just remember some jokes. Like Jun Jun implying S*x at the end of a preview, the breast thing w/ one of the Lemures, The Horse C***k comment Minako made [I've only seen Viz SuperS so I only heard this happened],Minako wanting lots of kids w/ the preschool teacher, Minako's dream mirror look in [specifically Minako's] Michiru's comment to Haruka in the SuperS movie. There were likely many others.
    [*]There were likely some others and for the most part I only remember the elephant joke in S
    [*]and for Stars I remember :usagi:totally wanting to f**k Mamoru early in Stars, Usagi thinking Seiya wanted to f**k in the date episode, plus the cast thinking they both f***ked in the Home alone episode. I think there's also that one "save it for the bedroom" comment Haruka made to Michiru when she was hanging off of that rail.
    [*]For risqué: I think of risqué as it could get the show canceled, I think that entirely depends on how you look at it. The Amazon Quartet's outfits made me uncomfortable [weirdly enough Eternal had this jiggle physics moment with one of them ........ so that happened :creeper:] But I can see it not bothering plenty of others. The body swap episode didn't bother me at all [even the kiss] but I have seen others bothered by it. The Amazon trio's dream extractions........ I dunno :grey:.
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Likes: Hadibou
Sep 19, 2022
[Stars Nehelenia arc]
  • When I had first watched Sailor Moon, Stars wasn't out in English. So going from English to Japanese was a bit jarring. Regardless I enjoyed it.

  • Honestly the pacing of this arc is more what I expected an animated adaptation of a manga to be like. I Especially like the unsettling atmosphere around the mirrors. It also gives off Boogy Woman vibes.
  • Nehelenia wanting to physically and mentally torture Usagi was.... a bit mean to say the least.
  • You know just a bit. Could've been a little nicer. :P
  • What's "Snow Queen" I've never seen that :?

  • [Extra SuperS note: I hear Nehelenia is Usagi's foil, but I always thought she was Chibiusa's because she's a woman who wants to stay young forever as opposed to Chibiusa being a child who wants to grow up]
  • Repeating what I said before: In the Nehelenia
  • arc I liked how they split up the characters to have them interact w/ those they usually wouldn't
  • :rei:/:mihiru: with their whole comparisons of physic schtick [I liked how someone said it seems like Rei likes to think she's like Michiru but when she's actually put by Michiru its just.... yeah..]
  • :ami:/:haruka: with the whole brains and brawn schtick
  • :minako:/:setsuna: and their different views of leadership
  • Plus :mako:'s speech and her protecting :usagi:. from Nehelenia's wrath.
  • While it does make Nehelenia kinda wishy washy I still enjoy her a lot as a villain.
  • Also IS THAT ASUNA!?!
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Jul 31, 2012
Outer Space
[More on SuperS]
  • Did anyone else think Helio's horn stabbed Chibiusa when Nehelenia blew him away.
  • From what I've seen plenty of people seem on board with Helios being the male guardian of the sun. That person I keep quoting brought up how Nehelenia seemingly has an allergic reaction to SPECIFICALLY his starring like the sun.
  • I forgot to point out that Jun Jun even helped Kyusuke BEFORE she knew he was her target.
  • I don't think I mentioned this but I think the season's very pretty.
  • Spoiler: show
    [*]Even in times when there aren't lots of movement, I'm happy with it being well choreographed. [imo]
  • I like the specials. The vampire one had this spooky atmosphere I liked. The last part had this ominous feeling about it. I like placing this episode before the Amazon Trio's last 2 episodes because of that creepy stare she gives them like she's gonna replace them soon.
  • Ami's first love was also a thorough delight. But I do wonder who gave Ami that first love letter. [probably some random person honestly]
  • The ending is my second favorite. It's the one I watch the most. On the third watch since I was immensely satisfied with Its ending [Though that sequence of having all those children shout "Moon Crisis Power" will always weird me out] without needing the Stars Nehelenia arc, I was happy the season was able to win me over on its own.
I love the vampire special....I was like Dracul!

But if there's anything, he creepiness surly parallels to the episode of Classic where Usagi turns into an adult an we get the really creepy youma, (which was one of my favorite).
Jun 17, 2019
[*]For risqué: I think of risqué as it could get the show canceled, I think that entirely depends on how you look at it. The Amazon Quartet's outfits made me uncomfortable [weirdly enough Eternal had this jiggle physics moment with one of them ........ so that happened :creeper:] But I can see it not bothering plenty of others. The body swap episode didn't bother me at all [even the kiss] but I have seen others bothered by it. The Amazon trio's dream extractions........ I dunno :grey:.
What about this infamous scene right here? :mischief:

Surprised this didn’t make you uncomfortable, and tbh I would say this scene alone is what already tilts SuperS as the most risqué season if the whole metaphorical rape, age-swap episode and the Quartet’s outfits didn’t already.
Jul 31, 2012
Outer Space
What about this infamous scene right here? :mischief:

Surprised this didn’t make you uncomfortable, and tbh I would say this scene alone is what already tilts SuperS as the most risqué season if the whole metaphorical rape, age-swap episode and the Quartet’s outfits didn’t already.
...when I first saw this I was wondering why else Helios was blushing...trying to ignore the obvious. I believe SuperS also had the most nudity? Ami was naked and I think we saw Mamaoru's butt also.
Likes: YuYu Yuichiro


Systema Solare
Feb 8, 2021
[Stars Nehelenia arc]
  • When I had first watched Sailor Moon, Stars wasn't out in English. So going from English to Japanese was a bit jarring. Regardless I enjoyed it.

  • Honestly the pacing of this arc is more what I expected an animated adaptation of a manga to be like. I Especially like the unsettling atmosphere around the mirrors. It also gives off Boogy Woman vibes.
  • Nehelenia wanting to physically and mentally torture Usagi was.... a bit mean to say the least.
  • You know just a bit. Could've been a little nicer. :P
  • What's "Snow Queen" I've never seen that :?

  • [Extra SuperS note: I hear Nehelenia is Usagi's foil, but I always thought she was Chibiusa's because she's a woman who wants to stay young forever as opposed to Chibiusa being a child who wants to grow up]
  • Repeating what I said before: In the Nehelenia
  • arc I liked how they split up the characters to have them interact w/ those they usually wouldn't
  • :rei:/:mihiru: with their whole comparisons of physic schtick [I liked how someone said it seems like Rei likes to think she's like Michiru but when she's actually put by Michiru its just.... yeah..]
  • :ami:/:haruka: with the whole brains and brawn schtick
  • :minako:/:setsuna: and their different views of leadership
  • Plus :mako:'s speech and her protecting :usagi:. from Nehelenia's wrath.
  • While it does make Nehelenia kinda wishy washy I still enjoy her a lot as a villain.
  • Also IS THAT ASUNA!?!
Sep 19, 2022
What about this infamous scene right here? :mischief:

Surprised this didn’t make you uncomfortable, and tbh I would say this scene alone is what already tilts SuperS as the most risqué season if the whole metaphorical rape, age-swap episode and the Quartet’s outfits didn’t already.
Oh, that scene. I kept that scene in the back of my head and didn't want to ever acknowledge its existence ever again. I couldn't even look directly at it for a while. Looking at it again, I'm not feeling much of anything [which happened the first time as well]. I think this was a joke that played out much better in someone's head. Cloverway cut it out in the Edited for TV version so there's that. There were 2 other scenes that also made me uncomfortable [one not specific to SuperS], I just don't want to mention them.

And I don't think anything in other seasons made me that uncomfortable this many times. So, I guess I can agree with that.
Jun 17, 2019
Cloverway cut it out in the Edited for TV version so there's that.
Wait it was cut? I thought they left it in? Well now that I’m hearing they did have the good sense to cut it I feel bad for constantly eviscerating the old dub’s double standards regarding this scene compared to the chaste homosexuality but uhh looks like I was wrong… Sorry about that Optimum, you weren’t that morally bankrupt after all lol.

There were 2 other scenes that also made me uncomfortable [one not specific to SuperS], I just don't want to mention them.
Because I am extremely curious and can’t help myself which were the other scenes in question? Why are you reluctant in mentioning them? This is a judgement-free zone :) (at least on my end)

Could it be perhaps the Black Lady smooching Mamoru scene?

Or this scene which is also exclusive to SuperS of Chibs jumping headfirst into her pillow to smooch a picture of Mamoru all while shaking her butt in the air?

Or was it the two episodes where Tigers-Eye and Fish each target and hit on literal children respectively?

Take your pick… Man Ikuhara sure went completely unhinged during this season lol, “SuperS is the most childish season” MY ASS! LMAO
Sep 19, 2022
Wait it was cut? I thought they left it in?
I thought it was too but when I looked at the Edited VHS version [which I assumed aired on TV] on Internet Archive, they just skipped straight to Chibiusa putting on her shirt. But I remember seeing it this other time ..... Could there be THREE different versions???
Sailor Moon Super S VHS English Edited Version : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive [40:35]

Because I am extremely curious and can’t help myself which were the other scenes in question? Why are you reluctant in mentioning them? This is a judgement-free zone :) (at least on my end)
Spoiler: show
It was Chibiusa's transformation [which was also in the S Movie]
The other was this scene where Chibiusa and Pegasus were floating down after that night flight. Chibiusa's dress was translucent and it's just F**KING WHY !? :wry: [I assume they just thought it made the scene more elegant]

I haven't seen many others bothered by those scenes, so I guess its just me. :P

As for the Fisheye episode, I just pretend that never happened.:vanish: [apparently TOEI did the same w/ R's Dinosaur episode]
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Jul 6, 2012

Act 27: Infinity 1 Premonition - Part 1
  • Unfortunately I didn’t find website with screencaps for S3 episodes. I’m not sure I will have many things to say anyway because this season is so much better than the previous one.
  • From the first moment, before even the OP, there is an interesting atmosphere, with nice new music. There is no equivalently immersive moment in all previous 26 episodes.
  • The OP theme: I know people are very fan of Moon Pride but I’m sorry, for me, it’s forever tainted with the atrocious art we got. I can’t hear it without seeing SAILOR MURZH and remembering my biweekly disapointment from this time. It’s like PTSD.
  • Therefore I very much like New Moon ni koishite. Firstly the title itself is just a confession: please forget the previous season, we know it was horrible, we tried to redo it right. I really enjoy the singer voice too, I know it’s divisive but I really liked what she did with Mawaru Penguindrum OP theme too so I was happy to see her singing this one.
  • The animation is really great, I really love the Serenity part, and guardians flying in the sky are a nice nod to S opening. I’m not a big fan of the part where they show stock footage from attacks but it’s still okay because they would upgrade this part with new guardians and attacks oftenly.
  • Sexy and mysterious atmosphere with Michiru going out of the pool. I remember they aired this part on an online event with VA and people where like « oooooh sexy » when they saw « that shot » of Michiru.
  • Yes it’s a wall of transformation and attacks and I know people got bored quickly of this but I’m so happy to see hand animated henshin and transformations again ! This was a signature thing for the whole franchise. It probably had a huge cost considering they had to do ALL stock footage so I’m okay for them using them over and over. This is a price I'm willing to pay.
  • It’s nice that they kept the art nouveau aesthetic during introduction speeches, with flower and stained glasses. It was a good idea of previous seasons.
I’m very partial but you can tell from the first minutes that they really poured all their love to the franchise and story in this new season. It has a distinctive soul, Kon was still fresh (and not near burn out as we would see later on Eternal) and it boosts so much the series atmosphere and mood.

Act 28: "Infinity 1 Premonition - Part 2"
  • Chibiusa and Usagi arguing is so cute and fun, why did we never get this in previous seasons ? It felt so flat.
  • Loved that they expanded a little Witches 5 parts when they interact a little more together. Loving Kaorinite big boobs everywhere too
  • Let’s talk about Hotaru’s design. They changed her hair with a shorted cut and I think it suits her very well. It’s an interesting take and when I watched the Netflix show "Beef" recently, the main character changes her haircut to something very similar

  • Usagi in mugen uniform with glasses is very cute.
  • Loving the threatening aura of Michiru. It's a shame that these characters have strong personality when they appear but all seem the same once their arc is finished. It's something happening in lot of series though.
  • Loving this new version or Moon Spiral Heart Attack. They changed some little parts here and there and it’s perfect. Looking frame by frame, there are some really pretty genga. Loving the little sound effect done by the heart at the end
  • Tuxedo Uranus ! Honestly they should have removed this part from this season, there is no explanation given at all to this. Sure we can IMAGINE things Takeuchi tried to do but it’s just guesses and feel really unfinished.I don't exactly remember because it's more than 30 years old but didn't Takeuchi change at some point this page ? Because I remember when I was a teen that in a first version, Uranus was totally with a Tuxedo and not just the cape ? Or is it my imagination ?

Lady Pen

Aurorae Lunares
Mar 12, 2021
What about this infamous scene right here? :mischief:

Surprised this didn’t make you uncomfortable, and tbh I would say this scene alone is what already tilts SuperS as the most risqué season if the whole metaphorical rape, age-swap episode and the Quartet’s outfits didn’t already.
I can confirm that didn't make me uncomfortable. Why do americans always find uncomfortable things everywhere? :googly:
Sep 19, 2022
[Sailor Stars]
Origional overview
Spoiler: show
Sailor Stars
  • I thoroughly enjoyed the Nehelenia arc.
  • I always thought the Shadow Galactica part was fine. There weren't several high nor low pints for me. I think the highest point of emotion I felt was that episode "Search for your Love" played.
  • I actually liked Seiya [though I do hear they're creepy]. Yaten could be funny for me, but I also wish someone told them off at one point with how arrogant they were. Forehead most certainly had a taiki.
  • I thought Iron Mouse was kinda funny, actually cared about Sailor Lead Crow & Sirens relationship. Didn't care much for the cat one.
  • Galaxia.... I dunno.
  • I really liked the slice of life moments in the season

  • Removing ::tuxspeedmask: and :chibiusa: felt effective for me. As mentioned earlier in this thread I started missing Tux and his stupid, unnecessary speeches.

    That. I missed that. :sob:
  • :haruka:&:mihiru: could be frustrating. But I still really liked them. Their last moments trying to die in the comfort of each other were heartwarming for me.
  • That one-episode w/ Forehead and the arcade annoyed me, but I thought that one shot of :ami: charging up looked cool.
  • .....I think that's mostly it.
  • Lets see what Cosmos has to offer. :happy: [*NOTE you may have to wait a teeny weeny little while for that. I may or may not post opinions of other aspects of Crysternal in the meantime]

  • I always thought Stars was alright.
  • I had to watch it in Japanese the first time so that took some getting used to.
  • For the most part as long as I like seeing a character on screen, then sure I liked them. So, I guess I liked Seiya. I can like characters like Yaten but mostly if there's someone else to challenge them.
  • Taiki and Yaten were also mildly unpleasant sometimes:
  • I don't like seeing Usagi in constant sadness. :huh:
  • I'm sad most of all that the other recurring civilian characters are gone but at least Ikuko's still around.
  • I thought Ami should've used bubble spray in that game episode against the monster. :ami:
  • I don't have much to say about Galaxia or the ending I just really liked that one super smug face she made.
  • Look at that. Just look at how smug she is. :wow:
  • The original overview basically goes over everything else. I just don't have much to go back on in detail with this season but I'm still fine with it. I really liked the Sera Myu version of the plot. They had the characters making bands, this Ghostbusters parody song and Hotaru was more involved. It was pretty fun. :happy:
  • Alright. That's all. If I left any thing out I'll probably make an "extra". I said in the first post
    I also might as well compare my thoughts to 90s version with each respective ACT.
    so sorry for going semi-off topic there.
For Cosmos
  • I haven't seen the manga and I'm not sure if I avoided spoilers efficiently. For the most part the impression I'm getting is:
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Lapis Lunaris
Aug 11, 2021
Nanaimo Bc Canada
Can you tell us some of your impressions, pros and cons about each arc?
First off the animation is not only gorgeous but looks very close to the art style of the original manga. Unlike the original series there's less filler. By that I mean every episode feels important to the overall narrative. I particularly enjoyed the villains of the arc for example Queen Beryl and Queen Metallia. Who not only looked cool but had the power and intimidation to keep you wondering how The Sailor Senshi are gonna possibly defeat them. As for cons going into the show I had only seen part of the original DIC English dub prior to starting Crystal so it took some time getting used to the new voices for the cast.