Act 27: Infinity 1 Premonition - Part 1
Act 27: Infinity 1 Premonition - Part 1
- The OP theme: I know people are very fan of Moon Pride but I’m sorry, for me, it’s forever tainted with the atrocious art we got. I can’t hear it without seeing SAILOR MURZH and remembering my biweekly disapointment from this time. It’s like PTSD.
- Therefore I very much like New Moon ni koishite. Firstly the title itself is just a confession: please forget the previous season, we know it was horrible, we tried to redo it right. I really enjoy the singer voice too, I know it’s divisive but I really liked what she did with Mawaru Penguindrum OP theme too so I was happy to see her singing this one.
- The animation is really great, I really love the Serenity part, and guardians flying in the sky are a nice nod to S opening. I’m not a big fan of the part where they show stock footage from attacks but it’s still okay because they would upgrade this part with new guardians and attacks oftenly.