I'm not a huge collector. It's not that I need to get every single toy ever made or anything like that, but it's nice to have a toy or two here and there and a couple of stickers. It's not like stickers and things like that are expensive, so it's a nice way to show off your SM pride. And toys, expensive or not, are just preference. I mean, I loved playing w/ all sorts of dolls when I was a kid, so I always think of dolls before anything else when I think of SM toys. People who like to role play (like I did since all of my toys were crap hand-me-downs) may also prefer the life-size Cutie Moon Rods, or their SailorMercury henshin wand, or even (as my case is) a Telelia S cell phone. So wazzle, I hope that helps you understand better why people need to collect this stuff. At least that's my take on things.